Many friends and family wonder why I am so politically involved?

Prior to the 2016 Presidential Election, I found myself getting extremely angry at the direction of America. It seemed that the inmates were running the asylum. Then a miracle happened. Donald Trump, a successful businessman decided to run for President. WOW, did this ever energize me to get involved and do all I could to make this dream come true.
    • I started to Blog
    • I organized voter registration
    • I began to create political memes
Lo and behold we elected President Donald Trump, our beautiful and classy First Lady Melania and a fine young man, Baron in the White House. Making America Great Again is just the beginning. 

As I was getting tired of all the fake news, censorship and left wing bias at Social Media websites I decided to create Free1st SMS LLC.

Free1st SMS LLC provides its users with a website dedicated to Honoring and Defending the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. We believe our members should police themselves and act as their own Fact Checkers. Click on the Logo below to visit our website.